Understanding Sound Sensitivity

Bred for excellent hearing, we've created breeds who hear and respond to noise more sensitively than others.

While this is often normal and doesn't get in the way of daily life, many dogs struggle with supersonic hearing, and some develop intense phobias around sounds.

Medical conditions can also worsen things, and these dogs often require help on many levels to protect them from poor welfare. Join Emily Priestley, CTC, CDBC, SAPT to unpack what to do about this common issue.

If your dog struggles with noise or your client's dogs are struggling, you can equip yourself with the information needed to help them as best as possible!

  • Understanding Sound Sensitivity

    1h 15m

    Bred for ridiculously good hearing, we've created breeds who hear and respond to noise with much more sensitivity than others.

    While this is often normal and doesn't get in the way of daily life, many dogs struggle with supersonic hearing, and some develop intense phobias around sounds.


  • Understanding Sound Sensitivity

    1 video

    Bred for excellent hearing, we've created breeds who hear and respond to noise more sensitively than others.

    While this is often normal and doesn't get in the way of daily life, many dogs struggle with supersonic hearing, and some develop intense phobias around sounds.

    Medical conditions can...

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  • Reactivity in Herding Breeds

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